Monday, June 20, 2016

We do not recognize scientific announcement from Big Physics Projects because...

We tend to believe that we must officially declare as scientists who care about real Science and not about money, glory, political power etc that:

  1. We do not recognize any further announcement from Big Physics Projects that do not allow a deep examination of their public and not public 'book of events' (for example: where is the 'book of blind injections' of LIGO project?)
  2. We do not accept no kind of instant observation case. (Even a first year student of statistics knows that we have no kind of sample with N=1!)
  3. We do not accept results that are not well theoretically justified. (Time cannot be altered only where we want that for the purpose of our experiment!)

I ask from other scientists to continue the list and then we'll make a kind of official declaration.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Big data analysis of Livingston and Hanford logfiles for LIGO project 2010-2016

Dear friends,

The next discussion on ResearchGate:

has been closed, probably due to an existed (but not revealed) limit of posts.

But, since there exist an interest to continue it, you can post your comments at this forum.

Thank you very much.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Welcome to another blog where 'dangerous ideas' about Physics are presented

Since publishing industry do not allow all kind of ideas to be presented, it is absolutely necessary to have alternative ways of scientific discussion.
This one is such a place!